Web Pages – Design For Mobile Phone First

Mobile phone searching accounts for about 60 – 70% of all searches. Mobile searchers, if not just browsing, generally know exactly what they are looking for and a large percentage are ready to buy or hire – right now!

The vast majority of businesses, large, and small, are aware that the mobile phone is most people’s ‘go-to’ for their initial searches. What they may not appreciate is that the mobile searcher wants basic, key information and relevant links – not an unreadable mini-version of a main website!

An effectively designed purpose- built mobile phone web page or site can be standalone or, with many design systems, an addition to the main ‘parent’ website. However, there are a number of key considerations that must be planned in from the outset:

Key Information

A mobile phone searcher is generally looking for specific information or a specific product. If, on their tiny screen, you can provide it in an easy to read, clear fashion, you are almost certainly on the way to satisfying their need and starting some form of relationship with them.


Mobile phone searchers are not inclined to wait for the slow-loading mini version of your complete Home or product page to open. A web page designed for a mobile phone needs to load in a flash. It can’t afford to carry anything that will slow it down.

No Fluff

When a mobile searcher knows what they are looking for specifically, and mostly we do, they do not want unnecessary verbal or graphic ‘padding’.
When you consider the size restrictions of a mobile phone screen, nor do you!
Content must be pared down to what is essential.

Contact Information

Very often your mobile phone web page has stimulated interest but there is something the searcher needs to ask or clarify. My approach is to provide a clear, live, contact link in the opening screen.

In pages where there is more key information further down, I offer obvious links in the lower text so that the visitor does not have to scroll back up to make contact.
Worthwhile links can be phone, text or email depending on what fits your situation.

High Quality Images

Good quality images bring your page to life. However, do be aware that in mobile phone web page design, they can really slow your page loading unless they are set up very carefully.

On a desktop website we are used to seeing plenty of brilliant, high quality images. On your mobile phone designed page keep imagery to the essential minimum.

Clear, Simple Links

With a mobile phone the physical screen size is limited. However, it is very likely that you need to give your visitor links to more detail, or product or service information.

People’s finger pads are a lot bigger than you might think, so keep links away from each other and make them easy to click. Consider providing a clearly worded button or pick out a short phrase as a text link rather than one word.

Make it as easy as possible for the searcher to get what they need.

Neil Ford – Ely Website SEO – 12/2022

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